03 February 2013

Cambridge Divorce Group, LLC Opens Monday, Feb. 04, 2013

The Cambridge Divorce Group, LLC is open for business tomorrow, Monday, February 4, 2013. We provide Limited Assistance Representation (LAR). This is called "unbundled legal services" and complies with the Massachusetts Court rules and standing orders for LAR services. There are no retainers. It is a pay-as-you-go business model to help people who are  not represented by legal counsel ("pro se" litigants).

I'll be in our Cambridge office at 189 Cambridge Street, Suite 3B, Cambridge, MA  (directly across the street from the Middlesex Probate and Family Court) most Tuesdays and plan to provide services for the Probate and Family Courts in Essex (Lawrence), Middlesex (Cambridge) and Suffolk County. Other attorneys may provide services in Probate and Family Courts subject to the locations of their respective home offices.

Cambridge Divorce Group family law attorneys cover the office each weekday from 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. when the Massachusetts courts are open.

Please see us for motions, hearings, preparing and/or filing court documents, general divorce advice, custody and court order modifications, preparing the court-required financial statement, and any other aspect of divorce law in Massachusetts.

LAR is not for an entire divorce case. It is an affordable way to prepare a divorce or prepare for a court hearing. Don't go to court unprepared. Pay only for the services you need, when you need them.

Cambridge Divorce Group, LLC - Cambridge, MA
Cambridge Divorce Group, LLC
189 Cambridge Street, Suite 3B
Cambridge, MA 02141
(617) 876-5200

(This blog post may be considered advertisement pursuant to Massachusetts SJC Rule of Professional Conduct 7.2, et seq.)

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